
Aug 28, 2024 Our pre-print Towards turbine-location-aware multi-decadal wind power predictions with CMIP6 is now available on arxiv.
Aug 12, 2024 Our article got published in the DFG journal forschung (in German).
Jul 19, 2024 I recently talked to Shannon Hall about well-being in academia. How PhD students and other academics are fighting the mental-health crisis in science is now published in Nature’s News Feature.
Jul 02, 2024 Our abstract got accepted at INREC 2024.
Jun 05, 2024 I will give a talk at ProbNum 24 in London, on 15 July.
Apr 07, 2024 I will present my work at the BDEW science corner in Berlin, on 05 June.
Feb 13, 2024 Our abstract Probabilistic Wind Speed Downscaling for Future Wind Power Assessment got accepted at EGU.